Client Relationship Management for Advisors and Brokers

Client Relationship Management for Advisors and Brokers

Client Relationship Management for Advisors and Brokers

Free CRM for managing the full client relationship lifecycle from a single platform.

CRM is fully integrated within Portal and lets you manage information about clients, prospects, colleagues or personal relationships from a single platform.

Full Client Lifecycle Management

Use CRM to send client account opening invitations and quickly turn prospects into clients. Check the process of client account applications and view detailed information about clients and prospects with the click of a mouse. Maintain CRM records for closed accounts for historical purposes or a future reopening of the account.

Full Client Lifecycle Management
Track your relationships with a sortable notes

Manage Client Engagement

Track your relationships with a sortable notes field or add client-specific tasks or events using the CRM calendar feature. Send individual or bulk emails to clients and view email history through a secure, third-party email service.1 In addition, you can manage client notes with CRM and use the CRM calendar to add tasks and events related to any contact.

Better Understand Your Clients

Use our easy-to-use account-filtering tool to drive engagement and more effectively address client needs. Use over 40 fields to segment your client base by account attributes, demographics, investment objectives or engagement. Create greater client value by uncovering hidden dynamics, spotting niche opportunities, or creating “mass customization” capabilities to serve similar clients. In addition, you can bulk-import contacts using .csv files and easily jump between the dashboard and CRM for different views of client accounts.

easy-to-use account-filtering

View our Advisor and Broker Portal Guides


  1. Interactive Brokers provides secure email accounts with 25 GB of storage through Rackspace for USD 1.20 per month, which is directly charged to your account. While you create and manage your email accounts through CRM, Interactive Brokers cannot access your email.

Le trading électronique d'actions, d'options, de contrats à terme, de devises, de participations étrangères, et de produits à revenu fixe présente un risque élevé de perte. Le trading d'options ne convient pas à tous les investisseurs. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au document « Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options ».

Vous exposez votre capital à un risque de pertes dont le montant peut être supérieur à celui initialement investi.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited est autorisée et régulée par la Financial Conduct Authority. Numéro de référence FCA 208159.

Interactive Brokers LLC est régulée par la US SEC et la CFTC. Interactive Brokers LLC est membre du système de compensation de la SIPC ( ;
les produits ne sont couverts par la UK FSCS que dans certaines circonstances précises.

Avant de commencer à trader, les clients doivent prendre connaissance de nos avertissements sur les risques encourus, sur notre page Avertissements et déclarations

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